Thursday, July 10, 2014

And so it begins...

Today my department held the Grad Brunch for the graduating seniors in the Department of Home and Family.
This department includes culinary arts, so as you can imagine, the food was so good.
All of the department grads (that could make it) were there, as well as all of the teachers.

This cute, perky, funny, and always incredibly happy lady pictured above was my teacher when I took a cooking class a few semesters back!
She always made 7:45 classes so much fun :)

It really made it sink in that this is the beginning of the end.
Today started just under two weeks worth of graduation festivities, and I kind of can't believe it!

So here's to a crazy busy two weeks worth of grad fests, grad nights, grad parties, graduation speeches (I'm speaking at convocation... eek!), and finally, becoming a graduate!

Here goes nothing!

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