Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ohhh summer...

It hasn't even been a week, yet, I've had six days packed full of enough summer festivities to last the rest of the summer.

Movies, Rigby lake, bonding (sometimes a little too much) with the roommates, ward picnics, lots of running, ultimate spoons, Egyptian ratscrew, and so so so so so much more.

I love my roommates.
I love being out of school.
I love an empty college town.
I love summer.

Friday, July 20, 2012


I did it.
I survived.

This week has taken its toll on me.
It's time to go grocery shopping (I haven't been in nearly three weeks) because I haven't had time and I've been living off of canned vegetables, chocolate covered raisins, toast with peanut butter, and instant mashed potatoes.
It's time I go buy real food.
 It's also time to go for a really, really, really good run.
And then, I think I'll spend the rest of the night watching Prison Break.
Maybe a movie, too.
Then, I'll sleep. A lot.
Oh, I'm so excited for seven whole weeks of classlessness and homeworklessness
(That's a mouth full..)

Bring it on.


Thursday, July 19, 2012

I need to get my priorities straight...

So I have a 100 question comprehensive final in exactly 28 minutes.
Instead of doing some last minute cramming, I'm blogging.

Why, you may ask?

I'm distracted by musical genius.
Just watch these two videos and you'll understand...

Those girls will go far in life.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Finals Survival Kit...

All I need to survive finals...

1. A giant bag of chocolate covered raisins
2. Sixlets
3. A lot of money to spend on dinners
4. Ibuprofen
5. A whole lot of Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, Aaron Carter, Hilary Duff, and maybe even some Britney Spears.

Is it over yet?

 I couldn't stop laughing. 
I think finals are officially making me lose it.

P.P.S Watch this video. It'll make your day.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sometimes I forget to blog about the Fourth of July, and then a week later it just feels too irrelevant.

Sometimes the word irrelevant reminds me of this:

Sometimes I skip mandatory meetings because So You Think You Can Dance is more important.

Sometimes I make myself feel better with Dairy Queen, Taco Bell and Jimmy Johns all in one day.
Don't judge.

Sometimes I procrastinate semester-long assignments and spend 10 hours working on it in three days.

Sometimes I wait until the last minute to submit said assignment because Anastasia is on TV.

Sometimes, I contemplate ordering Kiwi Loco, and then remember I've already spent 15 dollars on food that day.
Like I said, don't judge.

Sometimes I just can't wait for the semester to end.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July the Fourth

Tomorrow (today?) is the Fourth of July!

Now, why in the world am I up past 1:00 on a Tuesday night blogging instead of sleeping or studying for a huge test I have on Friday?

Because I am excited.
Ecstatic, actually.

The Fourth of July is my favorite holiday (disregarding Christmas, of course).
There's something about the summer heat, fairs, fair food, a day full of wandering around the town looking for something fun to do, and, of course, fireworks.

It also helps that this year I have some pretty spectacular company to spend the day with.

Soon I'll be writing a post about Fourth festivities, including a Chukars game.

Yep, it'll be great.