Friday, January 2, 2015

Letting 2014 Go

At 11:53 on December 31st, 2014, I looked at my phone to check the time and realized that in just seven short minutes one of the best years of my life would be over.
For the first time I was sad to see a year go.
In those brief moments it seemed as though 2015 didn't have a whole lot to offer compared to the amazing year I just had.

2014 was perfect.

Sure, I had my bad days, trials, and all of the negatives pertaining to the human experience, but overall I could not have asked for a better 2014.

I turned 22!

Thank you for all of the birthday wishes and surprises! It's been a great 22nd :)
#cremebrulee #myroommatesknowhowmuchilovemilk

The Seahawks won the super bowl!

Reppin' those #seahawks as best as my wardrobe will allow
#blueandgreen #excusetheawfulchurchlighting

I went skiing for the first time.

Successful Stake ski trip!
#nightskiing #kellycanyon

I found out I was going to EUROPE!

Guys... I'm going to EUROPE!!! Look for this girl and I studying abroad this fall :)
#itsofficial #someonepinchme #experienceeurope2014

I made some truly amazing friends.

Such a great semester with these lovely people. We'll miss you, Natalie!

I welcomed a new niece, Caroline, into the world.

Welcoming my new niece, Caroline, into the world. I love this beautiful girl so much already.
#freshfromheaven #auntforthefifthtime

I had some of the best classes/classmates for my last semester.

Successful field trip to the Utah State Capitol and the LDS Church Office Building with my Child and Family Advocacy class yesterday!
#advocacy #fieldtrip

I graduated with my Bachelor's Degree from BYUI!

It's official!
#graduate #byui

I spoke at my college's convocation.

That one time I spoke at Convocation...
#wasthatreallife? #collegegraduate #byui

I got my first real job.

My company, The Adoption Exchange, had our annual telethon today!
I love working for this company that works so hard to help foster kids find permanent families!
#theadoptionexchange #ksl

I left the United States for the first time and visited seven countries in just under one month.

Tomorrow morning I board a plane back home, but a part of my heart will forever be in each part of Europe I have visited over the last month of my life. I have seen rolling hills and sheep in Ireland, walked the streets and fell in love with London, spent half an hour in awe of Van Gogh's Starry Night at the Musée d'Orsay in Paris, come closer to God while hiking the Alps in Switzerland, was kissed twice on the hand by a completely wasted man in the famous beer hall of Germany, sampled every type of balsamic vinegar and olive oil in Austria, ate more gelato than I should have in Milan, and got lost in the squares of Venice. I have developed relationships with the people I have traveled with as well as people I have met along the way. I have gained a deep appreciation for all cultures and the lives each individual leads, and most importantly, I have learned more about myself than I ever would have anticipated upon boarding an airplane from New York to Dublin. This has been the most spectacular month of my life, and is one I am not soon to forget.

I moved into a new house in a new city.

I was happy.

For as long as I could remember a New Year was the most exciting thing in the world, because I had everything to look forward to.
From going into high school, graduating high school, starting college, graduating college, each year offered a chance to move forward, and progress in very obvious ways.

So I suppose, in a way, this is the first year I felt like an adult.

I had to take a step back and realize that I have everything to look forward to!
I have the world at my fingertips!

As I woke up this morning, January 1st, 2015, my most important New Years Resolution dawned on me...

Live in the present.

I quickly went from years of living in the future, to suddenly wanting to live in the past.
So this year, and for years to come, my goal is to live here and now, and enjoy it all.

2015 will bring amazing things as well!

I start pre-requisite classes in just six short days for the Speech and Language Pathology grad program.

I will apply and (hopefully) be accepted to one of my top three graduate programs.

I will dare to do things alone, without feeling lonely.

I will embrace the ups and downs, and know that I still have incredible things to look forward to.

So here's to an exciting new year!

Here goes nothing, 2015!