Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Happy Birthday!

(My parents and I on our way up to Grand Targhee earlier this summer)

Well, today is the big day for my dad... it's his 50th birthday! You'd never guess it, right?

My dad has always been one of my greatest examples of selflessness. I can't recall one year where he didn't say, "Don't get me anything for my birthday, get something for yourself instead." Of course, I always got him something anyway, but that's always been deeply ingrained in my mind.

My dad has always been one of my greatest examples of hard work. I remember living in Chicago when he was re-doing our entire backyard. He spent countless hours after work and all day on Saturday in the backyard working tirelessly to get it done.

My dad has always been one of my greatest examples of unconditional love. Though the past few years have been hard due to circumstances out of our control, he always made sure that my needs were met before his. I feel fortunate to have been born into a family where there's never been a doubt in my mind that I am loved.

One of my favorite things about my dad is that he always knows what to say to inspire me to do better. He once told me, "Listening to your heart means no later regrets. People recognize heartfelt authenticity." That's a lesson I'll never forget.

Since I've been at college he's constantly been telling me to relax, to stop stressing and just to have fun. If you know me, then you know I need that constant reminder.

My dad is always there when I need him. I can call about the most ridiculous things, like my low tire pressure light being on in my car and having him talk me through what to do (even when it's as simple as driving a mile to the autoshop to have them check it...). He's always there to help.

I know I don't say it enough, but I'm so thankful for his constant reminders to "drive safe", "make sure you're eating well" and "take it slow when you're driving in the snow."

No matter the time of day or night, I know that I can call and he'll be there to answer.

I think it's safe to say that my dad is the greatest.

Happy 50th Birthday dad :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Carving Pumpkins

For FHE this last Monday we carved pumpkins. For some reason I've been looking forward to Halloween like no other this year. It's typically not a big deal for me and I've never really enjoyed it. This year I couldn't be more excited :)

We all teamed up and carved them in pairs. I personally think that Rusty and I were the most inventive (we didn't use one of the cheater pages from the books...) and that we have the best pumpkin. I might be a little biased though ;)

(Rusty and I's pumpkin, which looks a thousand times better in person)

Okay, so maybe it isn't too incredibly amazing especially compared to some of the others, but I think it turned out great.

On a different note, I've yet to come up with any ideas about what to be for Halloween. I'll accept any and all help :) Keep in mind, I'm a poor college student.

Autumn has always been my favorite season. I absolutely love it for multiple reasons:
1. Hot chocolate. More specifically, hazelnut hot chocolate. This one is the most important and it basically trumps all other reasons for my love of autumn :) It seems like I'm constantly needing to buy more of it.... (care package idea? hint hint mom...)
2. The trees and the leaves changing colors
3. The pleasant chill in the air (except when you're walking to class at 7:30 in the morning)
4. Pumpkin pie, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, pumpkin chip loaf, pretty much anything pumpkin
5. My new electric blanket on my bed, which I crank up to the highest setting about ten minutes before getting into bed
6. Thanksgiving
7. Getting an entire week off from school for Thanksgiving and road-tripping to Utah!
8. Coats, scarves, hats, gloves and boots
9. Snuggling up in a blanket with some hazelnut hot chocolate and reading by a fire
10. November 19th. The single most important date in the year of 2010, including my 18th birthday and my graduation day. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 comes out in theaters.

So, in short, autumn is hands down the best time of the year :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

One Amazing Weekend

The weekend before last was the best weekend I've had in quite a while. Allow me to explain:

1. First of all, and most importantly, it was General Conference weekend. That right there was enough to make it an amazing weekend.
2. All of my roommates except for Haley and I went home or to Utah, which brings me to my third point...
3. Haley and I moved our mattresses into the family room and had an all-weekend sleepover :)

(Emily's face = Amazing)

4. Friday night was just absolutely hilarious and amazing. There were numerous quotes added to our quote board.
5. We spent all day Saturday watching conference at our FHE (family home evening) brother's apartment.
6. They made us quite an amazing breakfast :)
7. Saturday night was also amazing. After the boys went to the Priesthood session, Haley, Colton, Turner and I all went for a late night stroll around the Temple. After that we played Curses, which is one of my new favorite games.
8. On Sunday, Haley and I watched conference from the comfort of our mattresses on the family room floor :)
9. In between sessions Haley and I went to the Temple and drove around Rexburg looking for some photo ops. Oh how I can't wait to own an SLR... :)

10. After the afternoon session we were invited over to my brother in law's parent's house for an absolutely amazing German feast. Talk about a great meal.

(My favorite photo from Haley and I's impromptu photo op at the temple)

That pretty much sums it up! It'll be fairly hard to top that weekend :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Sammy's Rexburg

There's this new place in Rexburg called Sammy's that opened up the weekend that all of the college students came back. About a month before then, I found out that two of my favorite artists would be performing, for FREE. I was so excited, and the concert was absolutely amazing!
I was able to see Mindy Gledhill perform along with Benton Paul, who I met :)

(Benton Paul and I. He mad me laugh right before this was taken, hence the crazy look on my face)

(Mindy Gledhill)

The weekend after that concert, Haley, Josiah and I went to a free Nik Day concert (he is also pretty amazing).

(Nik Day)

(Haley and I at the Nik Day concert)

Anyway, it's a pretty neat place, and they have some amazing pie shakes.
Hopefully they keep up the free concerts. It makes for some fun Friday nights :)

My New Home

As most of you probably know, I'm now officially living the college life!
I moved into my apartment, Nauvoo House, in the beginning of September.

The past month has been a complete whirlwind of getting adjusted and settled in to college.
I absolutely LOVE my school and probably couldn't build a better one myself. For those of you who don't know, I'm a student at Brigham Young University-Idaho, and it's amazing. I really love and enjoy all of my classes (minus science...), especially University Choir! :)

Now on to my amazing roommates!
My actual room-roommate is Jessica, and then there's Haley, Kelli, Emily and Amy.
I love those five girls so much and we all get along so well.

(Jessica, Emily, me, Haley and Kelli! Amy was in Utah)

Haley and I get along, well, probably too well... Allow me to explain...
One of the first nights here, we were up a little too late and as Haley and I were getting ready for bed, we ended up taking our contacts out the exact same way, at the exact same time. Being 1 or so in the morning we found it hilarious :) After that, we began to realize that we constantly do and say things at the same time. Even our dating lives are identical! No, seriously, they are :)
Anyway, she is amazing, and we've decided that we were best friends in the pre-mortal existence. We were basically meant to be.

(Haley and I!)

Anyway, I finally got around to making this blog, which I've been wanting to start for about a month now. I hope you stop by often! :)