Monday, February 28, 2011

What we want most, but use the worst

1Time  [tahym] -noun: 
A nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently
 irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future. 

A.K.A: tempo, zeit, tijd, keer, tiempo

"Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity."
Henry Van Dyke

"Take time to be sure, but be sure not to take too much time."

"Love is the emblem of eternity; it confounds all notion of time: effaces all memory of a beginning, all fear of an end."
Madame de Stael

"The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time."
Abraham Lincoln

"All we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us."
J.R.R Tolkien

In other words:
Time flies, time drags, time stops.
Time can suck, and time can be perfect.
The most important lesson to be learned is to accept time as it is.
Don't wish away a day.
That day could be used to make a memory, accomplish a task, feed the soul, or change a life.
Make everyday count, even if you're counting down the days.

"Time is what we want most, but... what we use the worst."
Willaim Penn

Saturday, February 26, 2011

New spice, new crinkle, and new memories

Last weekend Haley's mom came to Rexburg for a little visit.
We started off the weekend at Big Jud's...
  (I personally am not a fan, but it's all the craze here in the Iceburg)

Next up was Sammy's for a comedy show.
We saw....

Michael B.
He's in The Single's Ward 1&2

Will Rubio

drum roll please....

Stephen Jones
A student at BYU Provo and more commonly known for his starring role in BYU's "New Spice" commercial (the parody of the Old Spice commercial)
See the commercial here.
He is hilarious and Haley and I have quite the crinkle on him :)

Sunday after church, Haley's mom made us girls a delicious home-cooked meal.
It was a lot of fun to have here her for the weekend.
Thanks mom number two :)

Once upon a time...

Once upon a time, Emily went on a walk and accidentally slipped on a banana peel. 
Then she stood up and ran to the nearest FroYo shop where she yelled, "He's climbin' in your window, snatchin' your people up!" Then she went crazy, eating as much FroYo as possible, when she discovered that a giant turtle was chasing her. She quickly grabbed some lemon flavored FroYo, and drove to the airport to fly to Iran, where her secret lover, Fransisco was waiting for her to arrive with his lemon FroYo. Unfortunately for him, she got hungry on the 15 hour flight... and traded the lemon FroYo for a big delicious Big Mac, which some fries on the side. While in Iran, the turtle showed up and picked Fransisco up and took him to the airport, where they both took a hot air balloon to the great city of Caldwell, Idaho. While there, Haley Adams showed up and instantly fell in love with Fransisco. But Fransisco didn't feel the same way about her. He fell in love with the turtle's daughter, Irene. This made Haley very angry, and she left to fly to India to visit her secret lover Travis, but when she found out that Emily too, was in love with Travis, she flew home and found love with the turtle. 
The End.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Balloons, blankets and BFF's

This month has been interesting so far.

Exhibit A:

Mentioned in a previous post.
Give us three some balloons and nothing else to do, and this is bound to happen.
Come on, you know you've done it too. 

Exhibit 2:

It was negative -236 degrees outside, and I made the mistake of complaining about being freezing to Haley and Emily.
 It all started with a blanket, and then turned into ^ that. 
I was helpless.
Don't ask about Haley in the banana suit...
Some things are better left unsaid :) 

Exhibit C:

I couldn't think of a creative "B" name for this one...
This storage space under the bed is more commonly referred to as the "manhole"
All last semester I desired to see if I could fit in my manhole.
I found out recently that the new apartments won't have manholes, so I knew I had to do it.
 When fitting one person was easy enough, we ventured out to see if two could fit. 
Alas, we succeed, though not very comfortably.  

So, in short,
february has been fabulous thus far.
Hopefully the next 9 days will live up to my expectations.
I know this weekend will ;)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Things I love

Valentine's Day, even though some say it's arbitrary :)
(those blue words are links, by the way...)

Painting my nails on a lazy, cold, Saturday afternoon

Stealing toilet paper from DQ because 604 ran out...

Nik Day concerts, Chocolate parties, and feeling 
lazy because my two best friends ran a 5K, while
I sat at work for four hours

Getting a nice, fat, paycheck!

ITunes knowing that exactly 
which song I wanted to hear next 

Writing a story about Emily during church... :0

Rolling out of bed, taking my retainer 
out, brushing my teeth and walking out
the door to work, and then napping at
one in the afternoon :)

Never-ending poke wars with Haley Adams

Coming down with a sudden and 
very severe case of the Bieber fever...
I never thought that would happen

Getting back rubs, arm scratches, and hand
massages from like four different people

Holding hands with my BEFF while watching Inception

Finding mayonnaise and a c.d in the snow
"It's a beer bottle... it's mayonnaise!"
"It's REAL mayonnaise!"

Getting in arguments over whether or not the 
totem stops spinning at the end of Inception

Talking about what it would be like to be a
 boy. "Would you wear boxers, or briefs..?"

Looking at the brand new Nauvoo apartments,
with massive t.v's that will be mounted on the walls,
huge bathrooms, and a bed without a manhole


....having a single's awareness day party with my two favorite 
Valentines, Haley Adams and Emily Chandia, and watching
Romeo and Juliet while pigging out on chocolate that we bought
ourselves, because we don't have anybody to love.

(I told you I caught a pretty severe case of the Bieber fever...)

Happy Valentine's Day! 
If you have a significant other, well good for you and congratulations.
If you're celebrating Single's Awareness Day instead, soak it all up. Hopefully you won't be single long :)

I think it's safe to say it's been an absolutely amazing weekend. I couldn't ask for better friends.
I love my life.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"It's a beautiful night..."

"....we're looking for something dumb to do. 
Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you."
I have Bruno Mars fever.

Is it really February? I'm pretty sure last week was New Years Day or something...
Usually January drags on, but not this year!
January was quite the month. 
I settled into my routine of working about 25 hours a week and job hunting. 
Not. Fun. Stuff.
 I definitely miss my friends, apartment living, and homework, yes, I said it, homework.
The past few weeks have been quite the adventure. 
I'm pretty sure I'll never be able to fall asleep before one in the morning, ever again. 
January has been the month of breaking curfew over at 604, dates, and late night FB chats.
Waking up in the morning sucks, working while I'm tired sucks, and having a nocturnal-like sleep schedule sucks but I don't regret it one bit.

(My birthday party this year)

(My birthday party last year)

Notice anything? 
Why do I always look like I want to punch someone in the face?
Don't let it deceive you, I had a fantastic birthday party :) 

Need to entertain some bored college students at BYU-Idaho?
Find some balloons.
That kept us entertained for hours.

Want to get to sleep at a decent time during a sleepover?
Don't start skyping friends at 1 in the morning. 
You will be up until 3 in the morning.

So there's just a small glimpse of what I was up to in January, and why it was such a fabulous month. 
2011, I have high hopes for you.

P.S... If you want to meet the real Melissa, just give me a call at two in the morning.
The filter doesn't exist, and apparently, it's quite humorous...