Friday, August 26, 2011

What a Nightmare

Last weekend I had three friends get married.
Three friends that graduated the same day that I did.

It's no surprise that last night I had a nightmare (quite literally...) about me getting married.

It was my wedding day and I woke up late.
My ex-boyfriend and his mother were coming to my wedding (what?!).
I didn't have my dress.
I didn't have my recommend from my bishop.
My ex-boyfriend and his mother planned a nightclub themed ceremony in the WalMart/Albertson's parking lot.
My best friend was laying on the couch watching TV instead of fixing this disaster of a wedding.
And as Cady Groves would say, "This is the part where I realize that I'm alone..."
Yeah, I had lost my groom.

It's a good thing I'm nowhere near marriage, because I'm already running in the opposite direction. 

Bonney Jean

Comes to Rexburg, TOMORROW.
You heard me right.
I'm excited.
I'm beyond excited.
I'm ecstatic.

Three years ago now. The good old days :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Week My Family Visited Part 2

More pictures!

 Cousins :)

Sophie Jane!

Audrey and Jaden on a tractor ride with their dad!

Touring the potato farm. Audrey, Jaden and Grandpa

Sophie and Jaden :)

My Aunt Kathy getting back at my dad for a sibling rivalry that's been going on nearly my entire life :)


 Sibling love :)

Jaden showing Great-Grandma Inkley his truck

What a goof :)

Love this picture of Audrey and Jaden!

I already can't wait until the next time I get to see my sister and her family who live just too far away.

The Week My Family Visited :)

My parents came from Washington and my oldest sister and her family came from Chicago for a visit in Idaho. We spent most of the week just doing things in Rexburg and then the end of the week was spent in Jackson Hole/Star Valley for the Inkley Family Reunion.
I didn't take very many pictures (shame, I know) because I was busy being distracted by my family :)
Here are a few videos to start!

The kids all playing together the first night :)

We had family pictures done one day. This was the first time my whole family had been together in quite a while.

I'll steal some pictures from my sisters and hopefully get around to posting them :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Call Me Old Fashioned

Whatever happened to writing letters?
Why do I have to be so surprised when a car door gets opened for me?
I don't think I've ever had someone other than my father, or a waiter, pull my chair out for me before I sit down, though I would absolutely love it.
When a lady leaves a table, the men should stand up.
I love when I hear someone (men and women) say "ma'am" or "sir".

Maybe this is all too much to ask.
Sometimes I really do think chivalry is dead...

...and then someone does something to remind me that there's still hope.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

She Means a Lot to Me

Please excuse my sappy-ness. I had a terrible head cold when I wrote this. Head colds make me sappy <--- Fun Fact.

Dear Haley,

Today is your birthday. You're no longer a teenager, woohoo! It's been three long weeks since I last laid my eyes on your pretty little face, woke up to you talking/doing weird things in your sleep, and had any Haley/Melissa moments. Thank goodness you will be gracing me with your presence in just three short days. I have missed you more than you know, and I can't wait to have four weeks just you and I! 
I am so eternally grateful (this is me getting serious now...) that I met you a year ago. I am so fortunate that you were placed in my life, and in that one year of friendship, I've found so many reasons why the big man upstairs needed us to be friends. In just one year we've created so many memories that will last a lifetime, and I know that we'll continue to make more.

I'm so thankful for your family who has taken me in and made me feel so welcome.
I'm so thankful for the example that you always set for me, no matter what.
I'm so thankful for how you're always so understanding whenever I get difficult, or upset with you.
I'm so thankful for what a sweet, caring, loving, honest, virtuous, and beautiful person you are.
I'm so thankful for the nights that you provide me with entertainment by talking to your alarm clock in your sleep (well, I'm thankful for the laughs in the morning, at least ;) )
I'm so thankful for our friendship, which I know will stay strong, no matter where life takes the both of us.

I just hope that life takes us to our front porch when we're eighty years old, singing to Lady GaGa with our white helmet hair and breaking various bones by trying to re-enact how we used to be able to dance.

I love you lots, Hay. You deserve to have a fabulous day.

Your BEFF,

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Bucket List

Yesterday I started a bucket list.
Here's an inside look at a few of the less personal ones...
and I promise I have more meaningful ones on there too :)

1. Watch cars on the Autobahn without ever getting on it myself
 3. Live in one house for more than five years
9. Write an entire song, music and lyrics
10. Spend Fourth of July in Washington D.C
 13. Cut my hair short, chin length short
16. Run a quarter marathon
19. Paint something to hang in my house

This should be interesting :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Melanie Moore

My favorite.
She won.
I cried.

Do yourself a favor and take the time to watch these.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Tale of the Car Wash

So today after work I had to run to the store.
On the way I saw the car wash and realized that it wasn't supposed to rain for a week
and I really, desperately, honestly needed a car wash.
So I did it and on the way out I realized that there were vacuums I could use for free.

I made a few mistakes throughout this whole process.

Mistake #1: I didn't realize that I was wearing a skirt until I was in the middle of the car wash
Mistake #2: I decided to vacuum out my car, while wearing said skirt
Mistake #3: I had to crouch down a little to vacuum out my lovely car, but didn't realize that there was some water on the pavement
Mistake #4: Letting my skirt touch the ground while I was vacuuming - this resulted in a soaking wet hem on the back of my skirt
Mistake #5: Doing all of this before my trip to the store

Yes, I walked through Albertson's with a skirt that was pretty close to dripping water.
Needless to say, from now on, before I go to the car wash I'll think twice about my attire.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Which Road to Take

Every career/major I get really excited about and look into aren't offered here at BYU-Idaho.
Yet, they are offered at BYU (Provo) or USU.

I think it might be a sign.

Monday, August 8, 2011

I'm Alive

No need to worry.
I was on vacation for a week.
You'll be updated soon enough.
For now, it's imperative that I watch last week's episode of SYTYCD.