Monday, July 18, 2011


It's finals week.
That means one thing:
I'll find any way and do anything to procrastinate.

Today that meant coming home from class and spending an hour and a half deep-cleaning my apartment.
I even washed down the trash can...
Who does that, you may ask?
Well, yours truly.
Not only do I love cleaning, but it's even more enjoyable when you're putting off something that you really really really don't want to do.

I worked up an appetite with all of that cleaning, so I turned to my next form of procrastination:
I made an insanely delicious lunch today...
A cheese and chicken quesadilla (chicken that I cooked last night for dinner, shredded).
I even contemplated going to the store to get an onion and sour cream, but I just couldn't fathom procrastinating that much.

So now that I've been home from class for nearly two and a half hours, deep-cleaned, cooked, and blogged, I think I have no choice than to start on that horribly haunting English project.

Who wants to go get some ice cream?


Alee said...


Alicia said...

I LOVE following your blog.... you are obviously still my dauther as this blog subtlety indicates. Can't wait to see you SOON! Mom