Saturday, July 16, 2011

Harry Potter

You're about to discover just how big of a nerd I truly am. 

A lot of people think it's ridiculous, the obsession. I'll agree that a lot of people get out of hand with dressing up, standing in line for hours on end, and so on and so forth, but it's all for good reason.
I, like millions of others, grew up with Harry Potter. I don't remember much of my life before Harry Potter existed, besides my family, of course :)
My mom worked for Scholastic, so she was in the "know" when the first HP book came out.
I was hooked as soon as I was old enough to read the first one.
I faithfully read the books and went to see the movies.

When the seventh book came out, I read it in three days.
I think I only put it down to get just a few hours of sleep and to shower.
I can't even count how many times I cried while reading it.
Just before the last chapter, I closed the book, set it down, and just sobbed.
It was the end.
Never again would I read a new word of a Harry Potter book.

Needless to say, I expected to be the biggest baby at the end of the movie.
Rather, I cried the most when Snape died, and even then it was just a few tears.
In the end, I could not stop smiling. I was so happy.
It was almost as if I had spent the past ten years fighting Voldemort with them (I'm being sarcastic, people!) and in the end, I was relieved and just so happy.

I'll look forward to reading the books over and over again throughout my life, and following them with weekend long HP movie marathons with my teenage kids
(I know, I know, they'll probably hate them, but I can dream.)

Thanks for growing up with me Harry, Ron and Hermione :)

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