Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Spring Break Adventures - Part 3

Haley and I's journey back to Rexburg
As told by Kathryn Norman 
(based on a true story...
and is mostly true...) 

Haley Adams, 19, and Melissa Inkley, 19, never dreamed of missing a first day of school since kindergarten.

School began the following day, and Adams and Inkley found themselves 750 miles away. They had planned a road trip after a snowed-in semester at BYU-I. The girls went to visit Inkley’s family in Vancouver, Washington. After a week of relaxing, treating themselves to pedicures, and enjoying home cooked meals, they embarked on their journey back to school.
Adams and Inkley started to blame one another. “Haley, your eyes were supposed to be on the map, not looking for cute boys!” said Inkley. They reached the Washington border, turned left instead of right, and missed the freeway onramp upon entering Oregon. They took a slight 4 hour, 250 mile detour, which landed them in Eugene, Oregon at a Chevron. They asked the tattooed and pierced, leather outfitted biker gang where they were, and how to get back in the right direction. The 750 mile drive home turned into a 1,000 mile adventure.
Adams and Inkley tried to make the drive a memorable experience. They started to fret about missing the first day of school. They started to fret about their boxed up rooms with clothing and bed sheets strewn about. They started to fret about their books and their jobs. The 64 road kill, and 24 honking semi-trucks saved them from emotional breakdowns.
They reached Rexburg around 1 a.m. Sunday. Observing their frazzled hair and half-open blue eyes, their roommates jumped up and carried the boxes of food from Momma Inkley, and a trunk full of jam-packed, broken-zippered suitcases. After hearing about the feat of making it back, it was easy to calm their emotions when the news broke that school started Tuesday morning.

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