Before I had even graduated I went down to Utah for an interview with a company called The Adoption Exchange.
I was so fortunate and blessed to be offered a position as a Recruitment Specialist with the company not even a week after graduation!
This job has worked out better than I ever could have imagined!
I am so incredibly thankful.
Just a week into starting at The Adoption Exchange, we held our annual telethon, A Day for Wednesday's Child.
KSL, a news station here in Utah has partnered with us in putting on this telethon, as well as airing a Wednesday's Child segment every other Wednesday on the evening news.
The telethon is nearly a 20-hour event!
I fortunately did not have to be there all day, but I did go after work to answer calls and see what the telethon was all about!
^I was actually on a call when this was taken, hence the crazy-lady look, while Kelli is over there posing like some sort of model ;)

It was so fun to be there while the live packages were being aired.
The photo above is of a family who is a success story.
They adopted the boy on the left after seeing him on one of the previous telethons.
After the prime-time evening news, Kelli and I were able to explore KSL a little bit...
According to Kelli we're ready for a career change :)
I think I agree!
Although that green screen sure doesn't do a whole lot for my complexion... so I think I'll stick with The Adoption Exchange for now :)
It was such a fun day and I loved playing a part in such an important event that raised $50,000 for our company.
The kids we serve really do deserve a loving family, and I love being able to aid in that process.
For Utah's Adoption Exchange, this is Melissa Inkley.
Now back to your regularly scheduled programming ;)
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