Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Make-shift Screen Shot

I made the oh-so tragic mistake of purchasing an android a year ago instead of getting the iPhone.
Because of that bad decision, I can't take a screen shot of the absolutely hilarious conversation my father and I had this evening via-text.

So here it is:
(keep in mind, he has no clue how to do punctuation, and I copied it exactly as he texted it)

Me: You have an AC outlet in your truck, right?

Dad: No    need adaptor     what needs to be powered

Me: Ugh, really? I just bought an AC outlet so I can charge my camera battery. I'll have to return it. My camera will die within the first three days.

Dad: No car adpter?

Me: Not for my camera battery.

Dad: Ok    this no deal breaker    i will pirate power inside of every 3 days    these are the things i can do    just dont ask me to work the cam

Me: Pirate power?

Dad: Yep    just plain take it

Me: My battery needs to be plugged into a wall.

Dad: Then what the wall giveth we will taketh

Me: Haha, where are we going to find a wall...?

Dad: The world is filled with walls    the larger q is how do we escape the walls!    We can step back in anytime    no worries

I kid you not, this really happened.
I'm so excited to spend over a week with him traveling the four corners :)

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