Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Oh, What a Beautiful Day

Today was a great day.

It all began last night, when I was able to fall asleep within 45 minutes of getting into bed.
After the past week of some serious sleeping problems, it was heavenly.

I fell asleep listening to thunder and the sound of rain on my window.

When I woke up I was in an amazing mood.
It's incredible what sleep, falling asleep to a storm, and waking up to sun shining in through your window can do.

I had a good hair day.
What can I say?
It's a big deal.

One of my teachers told us our next test would be an open book take home test.
That would've made my day right there.

In one of the bathrooms in the Taylor someone had left a special little note for someone such as I to stumble across...
What a sweetheart.

My sister and niece showed up at my apartment and surprised me with some homemade (completely made from scratch) brownies that are absolutely delicious. My niece also drew me a little picture and gave it to me, stickers on it and all :)
I love them.

After work, Haley, Kathryn and I went for a run to the temple and back.
I don't think a run has ever been so much fun.

And last but not least...
This has been the soundtrack to my day.
I listened to/watched this at least a thousand times...
Musical genius at it's best.

Today I was invincible, and I don't think anything could have brought me down.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just stopping by to say thanks for following Let's Dish. I hope you're having a great time at BYU! I went to the one in Provo many years ago. :)