Thursday, February 21, 2013

So you think you're in pretty good shape...

You realize you have some trouble spots to burn and some muscles to tone.
 But you can run a few miles in under half an hour.
You do Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and kick her booty.
You can beat some men at a push-up competition.
You spend time at the gym doing machines and can progressively add more weight.

You think you're in pretty good shape.

And then you do Insanity.

You feel flabby in parts you never even knew you could.
Your asthma makes your lungs burn, even though you've learned very well how to keep from having an attack.
You feel pathetic for only being able to do around 50% of the entire workout.
It takes you a good hour of laying on the floor, unable to move, watching TV before you can work up the strength to get something to eat, let alone even think of the energy it would take to shower.

But it's so addicting and I feel amazing after my heart rate has recovered and my lungs stop feeling as though someone poured acid into them and filled them with three pounds of gravel (lovely, huh?).

 I'm going to try my hardest to stick with it.
Wish me luck... I'll need it.

And for those that may be interested, these are my numbers from the first Fit Test:
Switch Kicks: 40
Power Jacks: 40
Power Knees: 67
Power Jumps: 30
Globe Jumps: 5
Suicide Jumps: 10
Push-up Jacks: 20
Low Plank Oblique: 25

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