Thursday, December 22, 2011

Finals, Moving and Christmas

I'm lacking motivation for blogging.
For the past year and a half my motivation was keeping my dear mother up to date on my boring college life.
But now I'm living back at home.
I guess my motivation will have to shift to my sisters :)

So, here's a catch-up post:

1. Finals: I survived and pulled off all A's and a B+
I'm now officially done with my generals, and I will never again have to take a stupid science class, which has ruined my 4.0
2. I moved back home for winter semester (because it's my off track)
3. I'm looking for a job, preferably a live-in nanny job
4. Christmas is just around the corner, but it definitely doesn't feel like it. I was most excited that my mom and dad moved to Utah so I could actually have a white Christmas. I guess it's not happening this year
5. I'm thinking about doing a Project 365, Year Two.

That's about it.
Told you my life was boring :)

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