Thursday, November 4, 2010

An inside look... a typical conversation between Haley, Turner and I.
First of all you need to know a few things...
1. We weren't aware that Emily was typing up our conversation. She had an assignment from her crazy english teacher to eavesdrop on a conversation and record it
2. None of us found this conversation funny, whatsoever, while we were having it. I don't think any of us laughed once (well, maybe at Turner's story about the spaghetti...)
3. Haley and I died of laughter when Emily showed this to us

So, enjoy...

Turner: It’s not working.
Haley: Oh I know what you did.
Turner: You’re taking the same class and yours is way harder than mine.
Melissa: It’s so ridiculous. When I came back someone was making steak.
T: Wait, when were you coming up the stairs?
M: Yea, I want some milk real bad.
T: I just bought some the other day.
M: So, tomorrow is Wednesday it feels like Monday.
T: I tried go over the valley and suddenly “BAM” it seemed like an ocean of lights.
M:This is not filling me up.
T: I can grill a wholesome meal, we should do it.
H: we were practicing for mutual one night and it was lame.
M: Jessica thought your handwriting was really nice.
T: it’s hard .
M: that’s easy oh my gosh, try writing my name in cursive.
H: it has a weird “I”.
T: haha I know.
M: I’m so hungry.
H: you have noodles.
M: I don’t know what to eat them with.
H: I have some left over Alfredo sauce.
M: are noodles still good after a week? Turner?
T: yea they're still good.
M: do noodles go bad?
T: yea, we had some in a Tupper ware and when we took it out it was a brick, no joke.
H: dump it all in man.
T: she just called you a man.
M: yea I know. Hahaha.
H: I love writing Emily’s name in cursive.
T: hers is all up and down like ne ne er ne nah.
M: you know what I actually ate for dinner?
H: what?
M: peanut butter and honey sandwich.
T: you are weird.
M: I can’t go the gym so I better stop eating.
H: Give me the rest of your noodles.
M: I feel like it’s 5:15 in the morning.
H: I don’t like writing “Chandia”.
T: “Chandia,” I was creeped out last night because of the movie, and I thought that the guy would grab me when I was on the stairs.

The End

I discovered from this that I say the most random things, at the most random times, in the middle of a conversation.
We also all discovered that anyone listening in on our conversations must get, really, really, confused.

That was definitely the highlight of my week :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I want a video of Sheri's and it would probably be very similar to this haha