Friday, July 25, 2014

Finals week festivities

It seemed like the end of the semester came and went before I could even blink.
It was a very busy two weeks, but in the sense that I had a lot of activities to attend, not that I had a lot of finals.
This was actually one of the easiest finals weeks I've ever had, and I definitely wasn't complaining!

It all started with a field trip to Utah with my Child and Family Advocacy class.
We went down on a day trip to visit with LDS Public Affairs as well as various representatives at the Utah State Capitol. 

It was also 7/11 that day, and not having any 7/11's in Rexburg, we had to make a stop (twice) in Utah to get free slurpees! 

A few days later my ward had our closing social. It was at our Bishop's dad's property in Saint Anthony. It was gorgeous. We did some canoeing, paddle boating, volleyball playing, and dutch oven eating :)

Then it came time to spend my last night all together with these lovely people pictured below.
We went to G's Dairy and had some delicious Reed's ice cream and then went back to our apartment for a couple cutthroat rounds of catchphrase, just like old times!

Then before I knew it, it was Grad Night!
I was asked to give the opening prayer, so this was my view...

That really made it set in that graduation was coming, and it was coming fast.

On the second to last day of my Child and Family Advocacy class we had a huge breakfast.
It was so much fun and I'm definitely going to miss that class!

I spent the weekend before finals and graduation busting my booty to get everything done for the rest of my undergraduate career!
It was an insanely busy and incredibly exhausting two days of over 12 hours working on homework, but it was so worth it. 
My family came into town on Sunday for my niece Caroline's baby blessing, so it was nice to have everything out of the way for some good quality family time.
(More on all of that to come soon!)

Needless to say, it was a very busy but very great last couple of weeks in Rexburg.
Now I'm moved home and not-so-patiently awaiting September 23rd, when I will be on a plane headed to Europe to study abroad for three and a half weeks!

Stay tuned for more about Caroline's blessing and my graduation!

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