Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My Secrets to a Happy Day

Sometimes it takes a bad day, or week, or month, to really accentuate all of the great things you have in life.
When I have control of my life, just do things (even if I really don't want to), and focus on serving others rather than serving myself, I am so much happier.

These are the things that saved me from drowning yesterday:

1. Exercise. I can't even begin to describe how much running decreases my stress and brightens my mood. That alone makes my day go a million times better

2. I slept. A lot. I made myself find the time and took an hour long nap, and then last night I got 9 solid hours of sleep
(Thank you to my Child Development teacher for cancelling class!)

3. I started a (mostly) no-sugar diet yesterday. I'll be doing that until Thanksgiving, so nearly the entire month. I'm modeling it off of the picture that follows, but taking it a little further with no fruit snacks, granola bars, sugary cereals, and so on.

4. Thanks to Kathryn, I started my morning by thinking about things that I'm thankful for. We're going to put one thing a day that we're thankful for on our Facebooks :)

5. I began my morning doing service. I looked out the window this morning as I was doing dishes and noticed that some immature college kids had smashed a million pumpkins on the ground below our apartment, and it was a mess. Kathryn and I knew that Arden, our groundskeeper would have to clean it up, and we felt bad. So we took ten minutes to go outside and put all of the frozen pumpkin pieces into garbage bags and left a note for him.
(We couldn't carry them to the garbage because they'd break...)
Doing service really does put you in an incredible mood.

So no more slumps for me for a while.
I'm going to keep these five things in mind.
It might be the only thing that keeps me sane :)

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