Saturday, September 17, 2011

One Kind Soul

Yesterday I was in the Crossroads getting lunch.
I was in the line to check out and when I went to grab my wallet, I realized I didn't have it.
No problem, I just asked the lady to charge it to my school account.
Problem: You need photo i.d to do that.
Bigger problem: I didn't have my wallet, hence, no photo i.d.
As the lady and I were standing there in awkwardness, trying to figure out what to do, the gentleman behind me told the lady he would pay for my lunch.
I was stunned.
In a completely non-creepy, and quite gentlemanly way, he paid for my lunch, and when I asked what I could to do pay him back, he simply said nothing, told me to have a nice day, and walked away.
That might be the nicest random act of service anyone's ever done for me.
I wish he knew just how gracious and humbled I am.
Honestly, how many people would do that for a completely random stranger?

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