Saturday, September 24, 2011

News news news :)

First of all, I should probably share which classes I'm taking this semester.
(For my family's benefit, since they're the whole reason why I do this blog)

Child Development - LOVE it, but it is my major, after all :)
Family Studies - Required for my minor, and also super enjoyable.
Environmental Stewardship - Shoot me, I hate it.
The Middle East - Super interesting, but the homework load sucks, and my teacher is really hard. He has lived most of his life in the Middle East, so he tells great stories.
New Testament - Love it. Great teacher, great class.
Advanced Writing/Critical Thinking - Required for my foundations. We spend the whole semester working on like a 15 page research paper. I can deal :)

I have class all day, and then work every day until 5. I come home, do homework, hopefully make it to the gym, get 6-7 hours of sleep, lather, rinse and repeat.
Needless to say, I'm exhausted beyond belief, but I love every minute of it, besides science and middle east homework.

Now, in other news, I had to start a blog for my Family Studies class.
You can find it here.
It is completely religion based, and yes, I talk about my beliefs. It's for my class, and I really don't want to have to deal with offensive comments. So proceed with caution. I say that with as much love as possible :)

And now for the big news...
My parents are moving to Utah in about three weeks!
There are a number of reasons, but all that matters is that I'll be three hours away from home instead of thirteen.
I can't wait to go home for Thanksgiving, and maybe even just for no reason for a weekend or two!

Well, it's a Saturday night, and I have plans to attend to.

1 comment:

Aunt Ann said...

Nice Blog Melissa! I love it! I'll miss my sister being so close though! Study hard. . . Aunt Ann