Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Christmas in September

My mind is a little conflicted.

I hear Christmas music and I can't wait for the Holiday's.
I smell nutmeg and crave Egg Nog like no other mother.
I purchase a new pair of boots and am so excited to wear them along with scarves, gloves and coats.
I constantly look up Holiday recipes.... anything with peppermint or pumpkin.
I would kill for some of my mom's homemade divinity and carmels.


I walk outside and soak up every ray of sun that hits my skin.
I get in my car and not being able to breathe due to the heat is one of my favorite things in the world.
I want to buy a new bathing suit and go swimming - a lot.
I want to wear dresses, not jeans.
I could go for anything grilled, especially with barbeque sauce.

Someone help me.

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