Sunday, September 9, 2012

Daddy-Daughter Vacation, Day Four

The morning of day four, we woke up and took our time getting packed up and ready to go.
It was a chilly morning so by the time I woke up my dad had a fire going and water hot to make hot chocolate. Every time I've ever gone camping my parents have done that each morning before I woke up, so now I truly felt like I was camping.

We headed out to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon and this is what we saw as we walked a couple little rim trails:

We walked up to the lodge and were surprised that we could snag a comfy couch in a bay window overlooking the Grand Canyon.

The Lodge. We sat in the bay window overlooking the Canyon.

I'm not going to lie, I wasn't blown away by the Grand Canyon.
Sure, it's cool, and pretty vast, but after all we'd already seen on our trip, I just wasn't impressed.
I was ready to go just a couple hours after we'd gotten there.

But, I saw the Grand Canyon, which everyone should see at least once in their lives.

Next we headed on our journey to Zion National Park
Before we got there for the night we ended up at Pipe Springs National Monument, which has quite a bit of church history, so we spent an hour or so looking around outside and in the visitors center.

Once we got to Zion and got a campground the trip turned bad for the first time yet.
We had a storm coming - fast. We needed to get the tent and alcove set up before the rain so we could cook our dinner and feed our starving bellies.

We got it all set up just in time and it only rained a little bit.

I started cooking our dinner, and then the bees attacked.
I kid you not - at LEAST thirty bees were swarming our campground.
To top that off we had ants on literally every square inch of the campground as well.

The bees were relentless and I have this incredibly irrational fear of them, so my dad took over the cooking while I sat on the tailgate of the truck trying to avoid them and the ants.

To make a long story short, my dad got stung bad, I got bit by an ant twice and had an allergic reaction.
Who knew that could even happen?!

So after dinner we were short on patience and decided to get out of there and go for a walk to the visitors center and to one of the Ranger Programs.

Thank goodness we got packed up in the morning before the bees came back.

Let me tell you, it was awful.

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