Friday, January 6, 2012

Lessons I've Learned Thus Far in 2012...

1. I am so so so so so unproductive when I have a day full of free time

2. You would think that I would finally get around to finishing Anna Karenina or get a head start on homework (I'm taking a two credit class online this Winter...), but instead, I prefer to sit around and watch Friends, The Big Bang Theory, The Office, and countless other things all day.

3. I don't do well just lounging around for more than one day. Just for the record, what I mentioned in #2 has only happened one day, and I was going insane by the end of the day. I wound up on the floor complaining to my mom that I was bored out of my mind and I need a job, or 25 credits of classes or something!

4. I hate job hunting. Especially when I'm only home until April and no one wants to hire me.

5. It's incredibly freeing to not have to do your makeup, hair, or get dressed in anything other than sweats. Unfortunately, after two days of this I itch to get dressed up and go out in public, looking half-decent.

Exhibit A: Melissa going insane

So it's apparent that I do much better when I'm busy, sleepless, and stressed.
Who would've guessed?!

So maybe today I'll get around to blogging about New Years Eve and Christmas in Rexburg with Jen and Eric.
Or maybe I'll get some homework done, go to the gym, and get some applications in at a few more temp. agencies

Wish me luck, because right now I'd rather watch another episode of The Office.


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