Thursday, January 26, 2012

Birthday Trip to Chicago

My parents gave me my birthday present a couple weeks early this year...
A trip to Chicago to see my sister Alanna and her family!
Since I was jobless, bored, and going stir-crazy, it was perfect timing.

It was so much fun going roller skating, to gymnastics, bowling, to the city, and just hanging around playing, cuddling, and spending time with the kids.

Chicago treated me well with deep dish pizza, my favorite Mexican restaurant El Puente, Ghirardelli hot chocolate, a snow storm, and a midwest thunderstorm.
Needless to say, it was a well-rounded trip :)

I love those two silly kids so much.
Thanks a million for the birthday present, Mom and Dad!

1 comment:

Alicia said...

Much welcome - glad you had a great time building lifelong memories. Thanks for the photos. mom