Wednesday, October 19, 2011

That One Dreaded Question

 Boy in class - "Where are you from?"
Me - "Um, I don't know."
Boy - "Well, where do your parents live at right now?"
Me - "They're moving this week from Washington to Utah."
Boy - "Oh.. So I guess you really don't know."

I can't even count how many times I have this conversation with people in the past three days.
Talk about an awkward start to a conversation.
I always decide that I'm just going to say Washington, or Illinois, and end it, but the question always catches me off guard, even though I know it's coming.

I guess I'm now technically from Utah. 
Just like the majority of the population of this school.
That's right people, I'm from Utah, and yep, you guessed it..
I'm a Mormon :)

1 comment:

Cassandra said...

no way Melissa! will I ever see you again?! I miss you and love you and think you are beautiful, always.