Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"It's a beautiful night..."

"....we're looking for something dumb to do. 
Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you."
I have Bruno Mars fever.

Is it really February? I'm pretty sure last week was New Years Day or something...
Usually January drags on, but not this year!
January was quite the month. 
I settled into my routine of working about 25 hours a week and job hunting. 
Not. Fun. Stuff.
 I definitely miss my friends, apartment living, and homework, yes, I said it, homework.
The past few weeks have been quite the adventure. 
I'm pretty sure I'll never be able to fall asleep before one in the morning, ever again. 
January has been the month of breaking curfew over at 604, dates, and late night FB chats.
Waking up in the morning sucks, working while I'm tired sucks, and having a nocturnal-like sleep schedule sucks but I don't regret it one bit.

(My birthday party this year)

(My birthday party last year)

Notice anything? 
Why do I always look like I want to punch someone in the face?
Don't let it deceive you, I had a fantastic birthday party :) 

Need to entertain some bored college students at BYU-Idaho?
Find some balloons.
That kept us entertained for hours.

Want to get to sleep at a decent time during a sleepover?
Don't start skyping friends at 1 in the morning. 
You will be up until 3 in the morning.

So there's just a small glimpse of what I was up to in January, and why it was such a fabulous month. 
2011, I have high hopes for you.

P.S... If you want to meet the real Melissa, just give me a call at two in the morning.
The filter doesn't exist, and apparently, it's quite humorous...

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