Saturday, August 16, 2014

A night of nostalgia...

Somehow I ended up spending my evening reminiscing about high school, specifically choir.
I ended up watching old videos, listening to recordings, and looking at pictures from the four years I spent in high school dedicating my life to that choir room, room M5, I believe it was? :)

I wrote a blog post about it three or so years ago, which can be found here.

But this time, I was thinking about how I wished I would have cherished those experiences so much more than I did.
Realistically, I know it's hard to get a teenager to cherish anything and realize that those years will be gone before they know it...
but I long to be able to go back to 15-year-old Melissa and tell her to write down every single performance, journal about every experience, record and save every song, and realize that those would be some of the highlights of my adolescent and young-adult life!

As I was thinking about all of this it dawned on me that I didn't really emphasize collecting those moments because I wasn't confident enough in myself to think they were worth it.
I knew I was doing great things, from State Solo & Ensemble to WMEA All-State Jazz Choir, but I didn't think that it was really my voice that got me there.

To make a long blog post short, I have definitely realized over the last couple of years that I have to make a conscious effort to realize the novelty of a moment and bookmark it in my mind.

That, along with journaling and instagram, and I think I'm golden :)

Anyway, these are just late night ramblings of a reminiscent and nostalgic 22-year-old who wishes she could just go back for one day. 

If you'd like, click here to watch me solo on a practice performance of Where Do You Start/One Less Bell to Answer from WMEA All-State Jazz Choir my senior year :)
Don't mind my voice cracking two times... 
This was after three days of straight singing, so give me a break!

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