Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Facebook Fast

I've been MIA from this blog for forever.
I'm struggling to find the time or pointless things to post about.

I've also felt more disorganized, distracted, lazy, and unmotivated than ever before in my life.
I was talking about that to my roommate, Emily, last night after a run and before doing my homework.
That was the first time I had gone for a run in about two weeks due to "being too busy."

We were talking about how we weren't putting our all into our assignments, we had been going through the motions, our room was getting cluttered, and we just felt flat out lazy.

We both sat down to start our homework, and lo and behold, the assignment for my Parenting class was on Elder Bednar's talk, "Things as They Really Are" and we had to watch the Frontline special called "Growing Up Online."
I couldn't believe what I was reading and watching right after that discussion we had.

I realized the reason I've been disorganized, distracted, lazy, unmotivated, and at the same time "too busy" was because I was wasting my time on the most pointless things, such as Facebook and Pinterest.

So I did it.
I deactivated my Facebook.

For now, it's just temporary, and I'm going to shoot for two weeks.
These two weeks include more than just forgetting Facebook, but also any other time-consuming internet distractions.
It's time to re-focus my life.

I hope I'll be able to break the habit of being so dependent on Facebook so I can re-activate my profile in a few weeks and only get on it for more important matters, rather than multiple times a day to waste my life away.

I already feel so liberated.

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