Friday, March 25, 2011

Registration Woes and Weals

Weal: That which is best for someone or something
What can I say, I'm an English nerd :)

I finally have all of my classes figured out for Spring Semester.
Yes, registration wasn't that bad...
Yes, I stress out over it way too much...
Yes, I know I need to relax.

But, my name is Melissa Inkley...
Stressing is just what I tend to do over things out of my control.
 I'm working on it :) 

As of now, my classes are as follows:

ED200 - History/Philosophy of Education
ENG110 - Intro to English Studies/Professions
ENG251 - Fundamentals of Literary Interpretation
FDHUM103 - Art/Propaganda in the 20th Century
FDSCI??? - (I'm still waiting to get into one of three classes)
FDREL122 - Book of Mormon
MUSIC312 - University Choir

I worried quite a bit about getting into a number of those classes.
I won't go into details, but it was quite the headache.
But guess what?!
Just as Haley, Jarom and my sister Jen all said, it worked out.
Imagine that :)

After getting a FDSCI class, I'll have a total of 16 credits for spring semester.
Hello library, good-bye social life!

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